- Jamie Blackburn
- Betty Foy Botts
- Emily Brown
- Brown Cannon III
- Susan Colwell
- J.K. Crum
- John Duckworth
- Philip Durst
- Erin McPherson
- Eva Magill-Oliver
- Elizabeth Foster
- Chris Fulp
- Josh Brown
- Karen Keene Day
- Kim Keats
- Alicia Leeke
- Debbie Martin
- Hirona Matsuda
- Timothy Pakron
- Steve Palmer
- Tom Potocki
- Dixie Purvis
- Celia Rochford
- Mike Ryon
- Lisa Shimko
- Ed Shmunes
- Sebastian Smith
- Stephen St. Claire
- Jim Victor
- Marissa Vogl
- Stephen Elliott Webb
- Trever Webster
Ed Shmunes | bio [+]
Edward Shmunes has been photographing for twenty-five years and has received awards from international, national, and regional juried art exhibitions. His work is in numerous private and corporate collections.
The Charleston Series is a collection of photographs revealing a touch of Charleston’s magic – its characteristic exteriors of historic homes, streets and churches – with thoughtful provenance.
I see my work as a surreal yet honest visual commentary on the world that’s whizzing by me. I try to create artwork that aesthetically and often amusingly exposes life around me.