- Jamie Blackburn
- Betty Foy Botts
- Emily Brown
- Brown Cannon III
- Susan Colwell
- J.K. Crum
- John Duckworth
- Philip Durst
- Erin McPherson
- Eva Magill-Oliver
- Elizabeth Foster
- Chris Fulp
- Josh Brown
- Karen Keene Day
- Kim Keats
- Alicia Leeke
- Debbie Martin
- Hirona Matsuda
- Timothy Pakron
- Steve Palmer
- Tom Potocki
- Dixie Purvis
- Celia Rochford
- Mike Ryon
- Lisa Shimko
- Ed Shmunes
- Sebastian Smith
- Stephen St. Claire
- Jim Victor
- Marissa Vogl
- Stephen Elliott Webb
- Trever Webster
Philip Durst | bio [+]
A contemporary collagist, Philip Durst is drawn to pattern and repetition, much like a quilter. He works from materials that have been cast-off or designed for other purposes including but not limited to paint chips, old books, and candy packaging. Fascinated by the amount of design that goes into discarded packaging, Durst brings new life to his materials by repurposing them for his large-scale collages. Through scrupulous attention to process, design, and execution, Durst assembles many small pieces that create an effect that is greater than its components. In addition to being an artist, Durst practices employment and civil rights law in Austin, Texas and has been an adjunct law professor since 1999.