Erin McPherson | bio [+]

“Erin McPherson is a third generation artist from Gainesville, Georgia. Having been immersed in the art world her entire life, Erin has developed a deep appreciation of the creative process and a love for a wide variety of art forms and artists, all of which serve as influences in her work. Favorite artists include Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Willem de Kooning and her grandmother, Glenn Carter.
Most often, Erin paints in the abstract, which she uses as a visual language to express the beauty seen in the landscapes and vistas of the coastal South. Central to many of Erin’s works are linear forms set against a backdrop of rich, sweeping color, which creates a visual tension that draws the viewer in and carries the eye across the entirety of the painting. Erin’s works are principally painted in oil or acrylic, and are complemented by charcoal and a variety of creative mediums to add a sense of depth, texture and movement. “